Data Science Lab Walk-In
Please note that our January 21 Walk-In session will be the final one held at the main building (rooms 311, 312). After that, we look forward to welcoming you in our new space at the Muesmattstrasse 27 (room -108, 110).
Walk-In x 2: Beginning in February, DSL will offer dedicated Walk-In sessions two days a week.
Data Science Lab
Muesmattstrasse 27
rooms -108, -110
Tuesdays and Thrusdays
from 13.00 to 15.00
If you require help with your Bachelor's or Master's thesis, your first point of contact has to be your supervisor. See our policy for bachelor and master support here.
Do you have trouble running a data processing script?
Do you want to discuss how to use Machine Learning in your project?
Do you have any other question on Data Science or Research Software and IT?
Just come by the Data Science Lab and we will try to help you on the spot!